You have written an amazing number books including erotic and paranormal romance. Did you start out writing erotic romance or was it something you felt would appeal to readers, so you gave it a shot? Were you nervous the first time you wrote a steamy sex scene?
I actually started out writing contemporary romance and have four books with Hard Shell Word Factory that were published in 1999-2002. They’re still available, and continue to sell—the bestseller of all of them is Cowboy in My Pocket, which is a romantic comedy that sort of makes fun of category romances—it’s got the cowboy hero, marriage of convenience, amnesiac heroine...it’s really fun. My original goal was to write for Harlequin, but I didn’t have any luck with them, which is why I started writing for the early epublishers. I heard about Ellora’s Cave and, since I’d always liked the sexy stories, decided to give it a try. My first erotic romance, Lionheart, was submitted in 2001 and I got an email from the editor about an hour later telling me they wanted the story. I still have a number of stories with EC, including my StarQuest series. Lionheart was the first one in that series.
I’ve always loved the steamy stories and have never been at all nervous writing them. In fact, I was on a panel years ago at a Romantic Times convention up in Reno where we were asked to read some of our erotic writing. I read an extremely graphic, über-explicit oral sex scene, first person from the woman’s point of view—you could have heard a pin drop in the room, but I got my point across—if you’re not comfortable with the words, the language or describing the sexual acts themselves, you can’t write it effectively.
Hellfire is a paranormal romance but it's rather gritty like urban fantasy as well. I loved the characters, and your world building. How did you start developing the story at first? Did you take detailed notes, and fill in as you went, or did the entire world "pop" into your head?
I’m a true panster. I don’t plot. I did have a brief synopsis for HellFire, since I’d had to write one to sell the series to my publisher, but once I signed the contract I tossed the synopsis and just wrote what came to me. The original series began with a conversation with my agent:
Agent: Kate, you need a big book if you’re going to move beyond the erotic market.
Me: (to myself: big book? What the HELL does she mean by a big book...big theme?) Okay, how about good vs. evil? (said with a snicker)
Agent: Great! Send me a synopsis!

I once ran across a blogger that was "creeped out" when she found out some authors were her parent's age, because they shouldn't be writing sexy stories. I laughed at that because I was turning 50 at the time. Do you feel there is an age boundary for romance writers? Would it matter if the writer was 20, 50 or even 70?
Good lord—I’m sixty. If that creeps my readers out, that’s their problem! I didn’t even sign with NY until I was 55, and I fully intend to keep writing for a lot longer. Author Anne McCaffrey, who writes absolutely wonderful science fiction, is 84and still writing—and she’s a Wolf Tales fan, which I absolutely love, because I’ve been a serious fan of hers for a long time. If that blogger thinks people her parents’ age aren’t having sex, she’s got her head buried in the sand. You have to remember—those of us in our sixties were young during a pretty unique time in our nation’s history—after The Pill (yes, in all caps!) and before AIDS and herpes. Sex was not scary for us—it was just a lot of fun. Age doesn’t slow you down in the bedroom—attitude might, but luckily I don’t have that problem, and neither does my spouse.
Writing sexy stories isn’t limited by age—only by imagination. I can’t imagine not writing—I love what I’m doing and really enjoy the fact that my readers look forward to my new stories as much as I look forward to writing them. It’s a wonderful life and I’m very lucky to be doing what I do.
Thank you so much for your time. I loved Hellfire, and can't wait to read the rest of the series!

Kate is graciously giving away a book to TWO readers who can choose from Demonfire, book one in the Demonslayers series, Hellfire, book two or Nocturnal, the new anthology she mentions above.
Please leave Kate and I a comment, which book you would like if you win, and IF your email is not associated with a Google profile leave that in the comments. I will randomly choose the winner on September 7th. Thanks everyone!
You can learn more about Kate and her books on her website at http://www.katedouglas.com.
I don't know why the young get so grossed out when they consider an older person having sex or talking about it. I'm in my late 50's and not much bothers me. I loaned my daughter a book once (she's 28) and she only read a few pages and told me it had too much sex in it. She's more into the YA books that are popular now. However my sister, the priests wife, enjoys reading erotic books, and she is in her late 60's. Go figure. If I should be so lucky as to win, I would like Demonfire since it's the first one.
seriousreader at live dot com
I have demon Fire But do not want to rad it intill I can get hellfire so I hope i win so I can get down to read this series
I'm just checking in before heading to bed--it's after one here in California and I'm beat, but the edits for Wolf Tales 12 are done and I can sleep easy for a change. Linda, I think we've raised a generation of prudes! LOL...I'm 60 and sometimes I think my kids (ages 37 and 33) wish I wrote ANYTHING but what I write!
Stacey, you really can read DemonFire as it has an ending--it doesn't leave the romance hanging a bit! I'll check back in tomorrow.
(or is that later this morning?)
I love all of these. It is my plan to read them too. I am now hooked. If I were to win, it doesn't matter which I get, but to choose one, Nocturnal....or probably the first book to start with.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Okay guys--I'm up and back among the living--sort of! Will be checking in throughout the day.
Hi Kate,
congrats on the release!! You know I loved the first book in this new series and I'm so looking forward to reading Hellfire, I hope I'm the lucky one to win it!
Congrats on the release!
I love Bumper and can't wait till I get to read more.
Oh and I am loving Starfires cover its the first time of me seing it.
I am a youngin by many terms (only 25) but I tell you I don't care how old the writer is as long as they keep me loving their books I will continue to read them.
I would love to win HellFire since I already have the first one.
You know I've read Hellfire... and I'm sure you've seen my facebook posts about how much I love your writing.. I can't even read other authors at this time cause you are soooo talented! Hope all is well in California and next time you're close to Georgia maybe I'll have the money to come see you ;0) you know what my e-mail address is but just in case it's karey_lyn@yahoo.com And I'd love to have anything other than Hellfire since I already have that one ;0)
Congrats on all your success, Kate. It's funny to think that someone would think that folks stop having sex or thinking about it once they hit a certain age. Rock on!
Can't wait to read Nocturnal. :)
Great interview, Kate!
Hi Eva! How's things in your part of the world? We're having GORGEOUS weather here--makes me want to go outside and play.
Thanks, Drea. And I agree--isn't that cover for StarFire great? What's cool is that the model on the cover could easily be Selyn, the heroine. LOVE it when that happens!
Thanks, Karey-Lyn--if you're a winner we'll figure out something!
Thank you!!!
So true, NJ! The kids forget that we don't have little ones underfoot, our men are often retired and HOME during the day...LOL. NEVER drop in unannounced at an older couple's house!
Thanks, Devyn! I'm just SO relieved the latest book is done, I feel reborn!!!
Hey Kate...You already know my thoughts on Wolf Tales, Cowboy In My Pocket and DemonFire *grin* SO, I'd love to win HellFire.
Sex isn't age, it's attitude and what a shame there are those that let go of such a fun part of life. Fortunately I'm even older than you are by almost a decade and, therefore, you'll be writing as long as I'm alive. I degree it so. *snort* Obviously I love you as an author but also as a person I've come to know. As others have suggested, you do indeed *rock*.
nbristow at cox.net
I would love to win Hellfire. Can't wait to read this series. I love Kate's books.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd like to win Demonfire.
Kate, the DS series is awesome. As you predicted Ginny is a wonderful. I can't wait until I can get Nocturnal and Starfire. I am on pins and needles with delight.
Kate, I am totally in love wioth Wolf Tales, have all of them, and they have been my inspiration to write my own shifters. I am eagerly awaiting WT XII.You are an incredibly gifted storyteller who is giving us books that will last forever.
Thanks, Nancy--you sure "write like a kid!" Age is merely a state of mind...there's a test that asks you how old you would be if you didn't know your age. I figure I'm still around 35...
Thanks Shirley and Moridin--you're n the running.
Thanks, Honey!
Desiree, thank you. I would like to think that Wolf Tales has legs...I'd love to see them still around for awhile, but it's for purely selfish reasons--I really don't want to say good-bye to Anton! (I know...I am SUCH a goob)
Thank you all for stopping by today. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview-- I know I did:) Kate...thank you for stopping by on such a busy day! By the way, I love your covers, but I really love the StarFire cover. It's very cool!
So cool that you thought forward to marketing and added a dog to the story. As a designer in advertising I am thoroughly impressed :)
I'd love to win Demonfire.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
You know how much I admire all of your work !! I am so anxious to read HELLFIRE!! I was so impressed how you were able to switch gears from your WOLF TALES to this new series! I have never followed an author like I have your work and it never ceases so amaze me at your creativity and diverse writing style! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a signed copy of HELLFIRE and anything else you accidently throw in there! LOL(like the 2ns on the STARQUEST SERIES!!
Love ya Kate,
Susan McClain
I already wrote a comment but signed up for the Google thing..(I'M SO BLOG ILLITERATE!) Let's see...what else can i beg for? hmmm lol Hellfire, Starfire, the 2nd STARQUEST series...ANYTHING!!!!
Susan McClain
Brenda, thank you! Your terrific review is much appreciated--so glad you enjoyed the story. And I'm with you on the covers--StarFire is definitely my favorite so far!
LOL...thanks, Robin! I found these cute little wolves made by (drum roll here...)the DOUGLAS Toy Company! They've got little tags that say Douglas, sticking out of their furry butts. Then I found a toystore owner who would sell them to me at cost + 10%, which made them "almost" affordable, and they were so popular with my Wolf Tales series I decided to do the same thing with the DemonSlayers. I'm getting ready to order my second case. They're not cheap, but they really are a fun promo item.
LOL...c'mon Susan! They do SELL my books, ya know? :-) I'm actually all out of my StarQuest 2 books, but I'm so glad you liked the first one. AND, I love the fact you're enjoying my different genres. Do hope you get to read HellFire at some point! (Looks like you're getting sucked into cyberspace one thing at a time. Sort of how it's gotten me!)
Hotcha 12--THANK YOU!
Hi Kate. I cannot wait! I love your wolf Tales Series and thoroughly enjoyed DemonFire. Please allow me to be entered to win HellFire as I have DemonFire.
I love the Wolf Tales series and love the heat those stories have. I also love the new Demonfire series. I've read the first book and am so looking forward to more of it.
Bumper made such a good character in the first book!
My youngest dog just had to have liver shunt surgery so I've been sitting and reading with her in my lap after her 3 day stay in doggie ICU.
Thank you so much for your books and I especially love the heat of Wolf Tales.
would help if I read all the directions...
If chosen, I would like either Nocturnal or Hellfire as I've already read Demonfire.
Thank you,
Oh, I read Demonfire and loved it. It's one of the first of this genre that I've read (except Twilight) and I'd love to win Hellfire!!
I can't wait to read Hellfire, loved the first book and have been waiting for this one!!
Oooooooo I am so looking forward to reading Hellfire. I really enjoyed Deamonfire. I have read all WT and SB books and own all but 3; these are keepers. Would love to win Nocturnal, I plan on buying Hellfire as soon as I can find it locally.
I do not have a google acct.
Kate, I'm laughing at the poor readers whose brains are goggling over the age of the hot story writers :) As a now middle-aged reader (I think--it seems the age brackets for these things keep moving around a bit), I appreciate that the emotions and physicality of love and romance are not merely the realm of the young!
Thanks for the lovely interview--it's always a treat to learn more about one's favorite authors :)
No need to enter me--I've got some hot Douglas reading on my TBR already :)
Hi Kate & Brenda -
Thanks for the blog and I don't know why age would freak people out. I figured the older you are the more experience and/or imaginative the sexy stories could be. I'm currently reading Demonfire now and love it. I am very excited to read that CrystalFire is about Taron and Willow. YEAH, but first things first, finish Demonfire. I would love to win Hellfire.
deb ;0)
I'd like Hellfire if I win. Reading sex scenes doesn't bother me, but I will admit that at first Wolf Tales made me blush it's so erotic lol! (Didn't stop me from reading, and now I'm collecting the whole series to read!)
Danielle--you're entered!
Jan, I sure hope your furbaby is okay! Thanks for stopping by. (and it's okay, as I plan to contact the winners before i send the book to makes sure that's what they want. Some might prefer a Wolf Tales or Sexy Beast, and if I have those, I'm perfectly willing to substitute.)
Thanks, catslady! Gotcha entered.
Anonymous 9:03--gotcha.
Gotcha, Connie. I can always find you on FB!
flchen--I KNOW you've got a few books stashed away! I think I recently heard that 60 is the new 40...what's that make you? About 12?
Gotcha, Deb. I think the age thing is readers in their twenties and thirties who find out my age and they're totally freaked out because they suddenly realize that a woman the same age as their MOTHER is writing these stories!
I think it's a GOOD thing. Keeps ya young!
I would love to win Nocturnal .I
enjoy your books and the more erotic the better
Actually, the sexiest story in Nocturnal is the one by Jacquelyn Frank called THE PHOENIX PROJECT! It's really hot! Mine's sexy, but hers is even more so.
I love your books and especially the new series. I would love to win one of your books but as Nocturnal is the only one not read yet, thats the one.
andreamcummings at hotmail.com
I love all your books.
this new series is great.
Demonfire was awesome and
I would love to win Hellfire.
thanks for the giveaway.
thanks, Andrea! I've got copies of Nocturnal sitting here, waiting for a home!
Hi Kristina--thank you. gotcha entered.
For those of you who haven't read DemonFire, the first in the series, amazon.com is giving away the kindle edition free today. You can download the app to read it on your computer--also free--so it doesn't get much cheaper than that!
I just got it from Amazon- it's kind of weird though. They have the regular copy for the same price-- but if you look below where the recommended books are then you'll see the free copy. They probably do that so they can remove it when the free period is over with. Thanks Kate!
wow inever knew u were 60 kate and honestly didnt care ur work is awesome
id love to readthis series so if i am chosen since i havent read any ofthe books id really love to get book 1 would be great ty forthe opertunity and for writing ur awesomebooks
Brenda--what? you expect them to make it easy? C'mon!
SiNn...gotta admit, 60 sorta sneaked up and bit me on the butt...I still thought I was 35! And don't forget--DemonFire is a free download at Amazon.com, but they usually only leave them up like that for a short time.
This series sounds great! It is the first time I have heard about it so I would love to win a copy of Demonfire.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze--gotcha entered!
I would love to win Hellfire :) Really enjoyed the first book Demonfire!
Thanks, Van...Brenda said she's be announcing the winners on the 7th, so be sure and check back.
Would love to win Demonfire and am looking forward to reading this book. Thanks
linze_e at hotmail.com
I really enjoyed Demondfire and would love to win Hellfire! I just started reading paranormals (thanks to Twilight) and this has me hooked on the genre.
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