Brenda: I finished Reawakening Eden and truly enjoyed the characters and the story. I had a few questions for you on the world and the characters. I promise they won't be too painful:)
Zombies are all the rage right now, as is steampunk, cyberpunk and everything in between. I loved that your story took a more realistic scenario where an epidemic kills off much of the world's population. Your characters aren't fighting zombies, but sadly their fellow humans are almost as dangerous. Did you consider another option, or did you like the human vs. human plot all along?
Vivi: I love a brain-devouring zombie as much as the next girl and I'm sure I'll be tempted to write a feel-good zombie apocalypse book at some point, but for Reawakening Eden the idea was always to play with a realistic speculation on what a post-apocalyptic world could be. What fascinated me about rebuilding the world when most of the population has been wiped out was the way our memory of what society should be would bump up against what our world had become. What happens when the rules are thrown out the window and we're starting from scratch, but still remember how things used to be? In Reawakening Eden, what happened was a dysfunctional commune in what had once been Seattle... and a heroine whose idea of motherhood has been modified to include automatic weapons.
Brenda: I don't want to give any spoilers, but Connor is a no nonsense kind of guy. I loved his response to the bad guys. Did you have an inspiration for him?
Vivi: He's the strong, silent action hero to the core. My editor said she always pictured Chris Hemsworth when she was reading Connor, but I'd mentally cast him as a Sam Worthington. Definitely more likely to grunt than launch into a soliloquy, but the man knows how to get the job done. Who needs words?

Brenda: Will we see any more stories from this world?
Vivi: I don't have immediate plans to write more stories in this particular post-apocalyptic world, but I can't give an absolute no because as soon as I do a honey of an idea will pop into my head and I won't be able to resist a little sequel action.
Brenda: Did you listen to any certain music while you were plotting and writing Reawakening Eden?
Vivi: I don't often pull inspiration from music. I did have multiple sing-alongs to The End of the World as We Know It by REM, but it was more for dancing around the living room breaks than actual plotting or writing time.
Brenda: Was there a certain part of the story you struggled with in some way? What is your favorite part of the story?
Vivi: I struggled a bit with end, actually. Trying not to give anything away, but I worried about my crazy cult leader feeling authentic and not over-playing his part. My favorite part is definitely the relationship between Eden and the kids, Lucas and Hannah Rose. I tend to fall in love with a certain line in each of my books and it echoes around in my head making me smile. For Reawakening Eden it was "Not now, baby. Momma's holding a gun on the nice man." That scene is my hands down favorite. Eden and Connor testing one another out for the first time.
Brenda: I agree because I loved that scene too! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I loved Reawakening Eden and will be reading it again and again, especially now that I can picture Sam Worthington as Connor. *swoon*
To read an except from Reawakening Eden, and find out more visit Vivi's website: