Author: Richard Dansky
Publisher: Gallery
Paperback: 352 pages
Summary: After a failed business venture in Boston, Jacob Logan comes back to the small Southern town of his childhood and takes up residence in the isolated house he grew up in. Here, the air is still. The nights are black. And his parents are buried close by. It should feel like home—but something is terribly wrong.
Firefly Rain creeped me out. It gave me shivers as I read it before sleeping, with my
Firefly Rain, has an eerie, subtle weirdness. The characters are interesting and odd enough that the reader suspects everyone, including the main character, of wrong doing. Mr. Dansky gives us mystery, suspense, thrills and in some ways a bit of a love story.
I thought the author did a wonderful job of using issues many of us have experienced and giving them an eerie twist. How many of you couldn't wait to leave a small town to live a bigger and better life? Maybe you didn't come home as often as you promised, or you waited too long to tell a family member you loved them. These are things that all of us have struggled with in varying degrees. I think this made the book more poignant, giving it a little extra depth beyond the mystery and horror.
If you enjoy Stephen King or Dean Koontz you should give Firefly Rain a read. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
The publisher has kindly allowed me to give away one copy of Firefly Rain to spread the scariness. As usual, I will ask you a question. Simply answer it in the comments to enter the contest:
What is the scariest movie or book you've ever read or watched? Why?
For me it was The Exorcist. YIKES! I never did make it through the entire movie, though I did read the book when I was a teenager. I guess the green vomit frightened me more than the story itself:)
Leave your email in the comment if it's not linked to your profile. The contest will end May 2, 2010 and I'll post the winner on May 3rd.