Author: Nicole Peeler
Publisher: Orbit Books
Mass Paperback, 346 page
Summary: Living in small town Rockabill, Maine, Jane True always knew she didn't quite fit in with so-called normal society. During her nightly, clandestine swim in the freezing winter ocean, a grisly find leads Jane to startling revelations about her heritage: she is only half-human. (Amazon)
I started reading interviews with Nicole Peeler last month, and was fascinated with her book, partly because of the fantastic cover art (Yes, I am often mesmerized by shiny, pretty things.), but mostly because of her sense of humor and the promise of hot, sexy stuff in the book. Hot, sexy, vampire stuff. I couldn't find her book locally, so I ordered it from Amazon
Where do I start? Jane is cute, petite, lives in a small, everybody knows your business town, works for a bookstore and she lives with her dad. I love Jane, and not just because I'm only 5 foot tall and grew up in a small town. Okay, that's part of it. She's quirky, funny and a survivor. She doesn't seem to feel like one, but she is. I don't want to give away anything from the book because it needs to be read page by page, no skimming, no skipping ahead.
Tempest Rising
I want to say that in some ways this book is like an adult fairy tale, but with a little blood, some guts and quite a bit of sex thrown in the mix. I giggled a lot, but also found myself nervous for Jane along the way, wanting her to be happy, but cautious.
I would recommend Tempest Rising
You can read Chapter One of Tempest Rising here
You can also read this VERY funny "chat" between True and Alexia from Gail Carriger’s book, Soulless here. This will give you a really good idea of Nicole Peeler's humor.
You can also see the awesome cover and information on the next True book called Tracking the Tempest on the Orbit site.
If you love the cover of Tempest Rising visit the artist's website here.

I'm reading this now. She does have one hell of a sense of humor. Fav silly is the seaweed pubes comment. -Parajunkee
I am reading this now, only on page 25 or so. So far so good.
Elie (Ellz Readz)
Her sense of humor makes the whole book. Well, that and the hot scenes. BAHAHAHAHAHA
Came over from Cym Lowell's Book Review Blog Party. I am still waiting for my copy of Tempest Rising to arrive!!!
I interviewed naughty Ryu though, if you wanna check it out: http://www.cherrymischievous.com/2009/11/ryu-interveiw-contest.html
My Cym Lowell's Book Review Blog Party offering: http://www.cherrymischievous.com/2009/12/hush-hush.html
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