Megan Chase Series, Book 3
Author: Stacia Kane
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
Visit the Author's Website
Available from: Amazon
, Indie Bound, Powells, Barnes & Noble
Summary: An FBI agent with an unhealthy interest in less-than-legitimate demon business shows up; the demon community is urging Megan to undergo the rite that will make her a real demon; and a slightly shady minister is holding one of his wildly popular “weekend exorcisms” just down the road. And oh yes, someone with scary magical abilities is attempting to kill her.
I am addicted to Stacia Kane's writing. Is there a support group I can join? I need some serious help before I spend the house payment on all of her books. (That might be a slight exaggeration.) Seriously though, I could not stop reading Demon Possessed and stayed up way too late until I made myself put it down to try and get some sleep. I practically threw the kids down the driveway to wait for the bus before grabbing a cup of coffee and opening the book again. I love when authors amaze me, so all I can do is keep reading, hoping the phone won't ring or God forbid, someone comes to the door.
I was sent Demon Possessed by the publisher for the blog tour today. I knew it was the third book in Ms. Kane's series, but having 72 books on my To Be Read Shelf from Hell, I hadn't gotten to the first and second book yet. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to connect with the characters starting off with the third book. I could not have been more wrong. Her characters are intelligent, quirky, smart ass and hot....very hot, as in Greyson Dante, fire demon. The demon guards are not so much hot as they are quirky. This scene is one example:
"And what about Spud? He tried that new eyeshadow on 'er last month and it made 'er look like a consumptive! She don't want to go out lookin' like 'er lungs is about ter fall out!"
I swear, I do not know where Ms. Kane comes up with this stuff. I was cackling out loud to myself every time the guards were together. Demon Possessed has the perfect combination of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and mystery. The humor keeps the story from being overly dark, but there are thought provoking moments as well. The action scenes are "edge of the seat" suspenseful, hence my inability to stop reading in the middle of one.
If you enjoy Marjorie M. Liu, Jeaniene Frost, Michelle Rowen or Karen Chance I think you will really enjoy Stacia Kane's Books. There are three books in this series to date.
The Megan Chase Series:
1. Personal Demons (2008)
2. Demon Inside (2009)
3. Demon Possessed (2010)
The publisher has graciously allowed me to give away one copy of Demon Possessed. As always leave a comment answering my discussion question and you will be entered in the giveaway.
QUESTION: If you were a supernatural being would you want minions (No, we aren't talking about children. *snicker*)? Would they be big, strong bodyguard minions, or would you rather have them be a little more on the domestic side?
The contest ends March 31st at Midnight, and I'll use the handy random number generator to choose the winner. The contest is open to the U.S. and Canada. The book will be sent out from the publisher. Leave your email if it's not attached to your profile.
Author: Stacia Kane
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
Visit the Author's Website
Available from: Amazon
Summary: An FBI agent with an unhealthy interest in less-than-legitimate demon business shows up; the demon community is urging Megan to undergo the rite that will make her a real demon; and a slightly shady minister is holding one of his wildly popular “weekend exorcisms” just down the road. And oh yes, someone with scary magical abilities is attempting to kill her.
I am addicted to Stacia Kane's writing. Is there a support group I can join? I need some serious help before I spend the house payment on all of her books. (That might be a slight exaggeration.) Seriously though, I could not stop reading Demon Possessed and stayed up way too late until I made myself put it down to try and get some sleep. I practically threw the kids down the driveway to wait for the bus before grabbing a cup of coffee and opening the book again. I love when authors amaze me, so all I can do is keep reading, hoping the phone won't ring or God forbid, someone comes to the door.
I was sent Demon Possessed by the publisher for the blog tour today. I knew it was the third book in Ms. Kane's series, but having 72 books on my To Be Read Shelf from Hell, I hadn't gotten to the first and second book yet. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to connect with the characters starting off with the third book. I could not have been more wrong. Her characters are intelligent, quirky, smart ass and hot....very hot, as in Greyson Dante, fire demon. The demon guards are not so much hot as they are quirky. This scene is one example:
"And what about Spud? He tried that new eyeshadow on 'er last month and it made 'er look like a consumptive! She don't want to go out lookin' like 'er lungs is about ter fall out!"
I swear, I do not know where Ms. Kane comes up with this stuff. I was cackling out loud to myself every time the guards were together. Demon Possessed has the perfect combination of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and mystery. The humor keeps the story from being overly dark, but there are thought provoking moments as well. The action scenes are "edge of the seat" suspenseful, hence my inability to stop reading in the middle of one.
If you enjoy Marjorie M. Liu, Jeaniene Frost, Michelle Rowen or Karen Chance I think you will really enjoy Stacia Kane's Books. There are three books in this series to date.
The Megan Chase Series:
1. Personal Demons (2008)
2. Demon Inside (2009)
3. Demon Possessed (2010)
The publisher has graciously allowed me to give away one copy of Demon Possessed. As always leave a comment answering my discussion question and you will be entered in the giveaway.
QUESTION: If you were a supernatural being would you want minions (No, we aren't talking about children. *snicker*)? Would they be big, strong bodyguard minions, or would you rather have them be a little more on the domestic side?
The contest ends March 31st at Midnight, and I'll use the handy random number generator to choose the winner. The contest is open to the U.S. and Canada. The book will be sent out from the publisher. Leave your email if it's not attached to your profile.
Hmmmmm.... minions. I would most definitely need some domestic minions for house cleaning and cooking. But if I could get sexy bodyguard ones who could also do my domestic chores... SCORE!
Look like a great read!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I so want to read these books! I agree with Robin - I would go for sexy minions who could guard my body and cook me food..and are good at giving massages ;)
hacarleton (at) gmail (dot) com
Great question. I would want them to be more on the demonic side. Kind of keeps everyone on their toes. lol
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I would love to have minions! I think big ones to help protect me but also some smaller regular ones no one would recognize as minions. The regular ones could help me in many ways other than protection but also to over hear conversations for me. Almost sly like people.
I am so glad to see you enjoyed the book. I was afraid to enter at first because I have not read her first 2 books. So I was glad you where able to keep up with the story. Now, I guess I will keep an eye out for the first two books to be reviewed. :) I have been wanting them myself.
Of course I'd want minions! Mostly normal-seeming ones with martial arts training. I'd also select for moderate intelligence. It's more fun to head a team of loyal like minds than command a group of idiots, and I'd probably get more accomplished too.
I absolutely love Marjorie Lui's works so I know I'll enjoy Stacia Kane's, too.
Minions - I'm greedy, I want both kind. They can be big and rugged and protective but be able to clean my house.. ugh, I hate housework. Oh, yeah, they must do laundry and windows, too.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Can't I have minions that while are big, strong bodyguard types still can cook and clean?
I just new books from those authors at TLoRA, they are all a riot.
alterlisa At Yahoo DOT com
My minions need to be big and strong and know how to cook. Sexy and can whip up a meal. Perfect!
dawnpnr at aol dot com
I would want some big, strong minions :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hello. And Bye.
Minions you say, oh yes both types for me. The big strong ones to do all the yard work and shrub trimming that is now starting to get to be a twice weekly chore due to Spring having Sprung. The little minions, the not too bright ones for the housework and cooking so I could maybe catch up on my TBR shelves....
Having myself not read the first 2 books so happy you said it would not be a prob because really meant to get this series already and since the promotional tour started have them all down on my list to buy, winning book 3 that would cement the decision faster!!!
jackie b central texas
That's a tough question...I'd love to have a tough, sexy and domesticated minion. But since currently times don't require a tough and big bodyguard (unless he's guarding my treasure trove of books), I'll have to pick a domesticated minion. I so need help in and around the house. ;)
I'd want minions. But I'd want normal looking ones so they wouldn't stand out so much.
Since my superpowers will definitely involve some kick ass strength and smarts, I would like my minions to be the domestic varity and handle my life behind the scenes.
I would definitely need minions. And both types of course. I couldnt do my own cleaning, etc and a nice big bodyguard is always useful.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thanks for the contest.
As for the question, I would want big bodyguards (the bigger, the better!), but I would also want to know how to defend myself. I wouldn't want to be a weakling and only rely on my minions!
I think I would only want minions if they were fun to hang out with.
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would want minions that are similar to my little sisters (cute but secretly evil), except they wouldn't talk back or decided not listen to me.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
I'd definitely want some of my closest friends as minions, so I know I could trust them.
How can you say no to minions? I'd love some. I would want like 1 as a bodyguard, and the rest to be domestic. I just spent most of the day doing laundry, so i need minions.
Give me my minions!!!! Definitely domesticated minions with some brains and tons of brawn (and they have to be drool worthy sexy)!!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
I would totally choose the beefy body guard type. And I've heard great things about this series.
angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
I would want the big, strong, sexy bodyguard minions! That would make me look even better!
I would love to win this book!
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
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