Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Trapped in a Restaurant Meme Game!

I am participating in Carolyn Crane's Trapped in a Restaurant Meme Game to celebrate the release of her cool new book Mind Games. She's given us three questions to consider:

1. In MIND GAMES, hypochondriac heroine Justine Jones can’t figure out why tortured mastermind Sterling Packard never sets foot outside the Mongolian Delites restaurant. What if you were somehow trapped in a restaurant, what sort of restaurant would you prefer?

I'd have to go with a Chinese buffet where I can just pick and choose my food, and they will change it throughout the day and evening. Oh yeah, that would be awesome. We go to one near us every couple of months and have been since my daughter was a baby. They love us, and greet us like old friends. *snicker*

2. What if you won the fancy $100 dinner to a restaurant of your choice, and you could dine with any character from any book, movie, or history. Who would you choose?

Oh man, this is just way too hard of a question. I'm going to go with J.R. Tolkien. Can you imagine the world building tips the man could share?

3. Choose three characters to dine with for a lively dinner party (you can define lively however you want).

-Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel... I think this is an opportunity for a picture of James, who will forever be Spike in my mind

-Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez as played by Sean Connery in The Highlander. (Yes, I know he still had a Scottish accent. Shhhh...no dissing Sean.)

-James Dean is my third choice. Is this a great picture or what?

Why these three you ask? Can you imagine them snarking at each other? Plus, I could listen to all three talk for hours, and watch them for longer. *snicker*

To participate in Carolyn's Meme Game simply create your own and send meme game link by 4/8 to meme@authorcarolyncrane.com to enter. Anyone can play. Details at http://www.authorcarolyncrane.com/.