What is the first romance you remember reading?
I was surprised we didn't get a few more comments on this, but the ones we did get were great. If the person has an active blog I've linked to it from their name. I've also linked to the book if it's not out of print. Thanks to everyone for the great comments! (Scroll, or read, down to the bottom for the random winner of the contest.)
Sullivan McPig said...
Hmm... I think that would be The Wolf and the Dove
Robin K said...
I think those would be the V.C. Andrews
Nancy said...
I would say Sense And Sensibility
Emily said...
The earliest title I can recall is Lion's Lady
Scorpio M. said...
My first romance was probably a YA romance from the Sweet Dreams line but I can't recall the title. My first adult romance was called Wild Wyoming Nights by Sylvie Sommerfield
Martha Lawson said...
Sweet Savage Love
Giada M said...
I believe mi first was The Bronze Horseman
throuthehaze said...
The first romance I read was The Paper Marriage (Harlequin Historical, 524)
k_sunshine1977 said...
it was A Ghostly Affair
strange_candy_reviews said...
The first actual romance novel I read was a Mills & Boon
SusiSunshine said...
The first romance I can remember...does YA count? If yes it was Ben Liebt Anna
Lu said...
Mmmm i think it was "Kringe in die Bos". Its in Afrikaans, but there is a English version as well. Beautiful story and one of my favourites! Here is more on it: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1174043.Kringe_in_n_bos
The winner of The Devil Wears Plaid is Scorpio! I have emailed her and will forward her address to the publisher. Thanks for entering everyone:)