Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kindle Reading on the Road

On the way to Florida and on the way home I read my Kindle between interesting sights. I'm a fast reader and got through some great books. These are the titles I read in June:

Crux: Southern Arcana, Book 1
Crossroads: Southern Arcana 2
Both by Moira Rogers

Out of Darkness ARC
by Anne Patrick

To Hunt a Sainte
Westlake Enterprises
by Marie Harte

Soul Catcher
by Leigh Bridger

No Longer Mine
By Shiloh Walker

Wolf Flight
by Vivan Arend

The Wicked Kiss
by Trina M. Lee

I think they are all worth reviewing individually, so I will make my goal to review all of them by the end of July. The cool thing about each of these is they are great summer reads at good prices. I loved reading my Kindle in the car, but I also read it at night, and I took it to the beach too. I still love reading physical books, and at home I tend to read those more, but for travel the Kindle is perfect.
