Brenda: Donna, I just finished Primal Heat and loved it. It had a completely different take on werewolves plus it had a little bit of sci fi, time travel and a lot of romance.
Donna: Brenda, I'm so glad you enjoyed PRIMAL HEAT. It is different than anything I've written before, but it was so much fun to write.
Brenda: It must have been hard to pack so much into a novella. Did you have to cut/edit a lot after writing it, or were you able to keep it on track from the beginning? Did you find that hard to do?

Donna: For me, I love writing novellas. When an author writes a full book, we can pack in as many secondary characters, and even a secondary story. We can go on and on about a scene or some inner reflection for a character. But for a novella, an author has to learn to choose her words wisely. We have to learn to condense a story into two main characters only. It's not always easy. Novellas can teach an author a lot, however. It helps an author to learn to build tension quickly as well as to keep a story fast paced. So, when I sit down to write a novella, a pantster like me who doesn't plot out a book, I have to remember the book is just about the two characters I have. In that, I can generally do all right on the word count and not have to cut anything.
Brenda: Do you think you'll visit this world again in another story?
Donna: Actually, I've had several emails from readers asking me to give Stefan his own story. This was just meant to be one novella in for a Halloween project, but it might turn into much more. :)
Brenda: Was it odd writing a contemporary story? You paint such wonderful, vivid pictures for readers in all of your Highland stories-- was it hard to step out of that world?
Donna: I love to push myself and my writing, to see how far I can go. Its how I grow as a writer. So, when I was first asked to write a contemporary Halloween novella about either werewolves or vampires, I hesitated. I'm a historical writer. It's what I'm most known for. But, I figured, what the heck? How will I know if it fails miserably or soars if I don't give it a try. Some author's "voice" only suits one kind of setting, and that's what I always feared mine would do after writing so many historical novels. I guess the answer lies in the readers hands. :D
Brenda: If a reader is completely new to your writing, what book would you suggest they start with?
Donna: Oh...good question. This is always a hard one. I know my writing has changed/grown with every book I write, so I usually tend to say whatever the newest book is. But then again, if its a series, I hate starting a book mid-series. So, I guess in my long way of answering, I'd have to say DANGEROUS HIGHLANDER, the first in my Dark Sword series. I truly love this series and the characters. I really am going to hate when the series ends one day.
Brenda: Thank you so much for your time Donna. I look forward to whatever you choose to write next:)
Donna: It was a pleasure, Brenda! Thank you so much. ;)
Visit Donna's website for more information on Primal Heat and her other books here:
Primal Heat is available for the Kindle HERE,
Great post.
Thanks, April. I thought Brenda asked some great questions. :)
Ohhh awesome interview!!!!! Great job Brenda and Donna.
Donna a question for you, you say your wrote this for Halloween, which makes me wonder, what's your favorite Halloween read?
And one more, you say we may get more?? And hints on when??? Or are you still thinking about it.
Hey, Wendy!
Actually, I've never read a Halloween themed book. Bad of me, huh? I've been searching for some. Got an for me?
Oh, I have no idea when I'll get to write another one. Hopefully soon! ;)
Umm a good Halloween themed story. I do but my mind just went blank. ROFL..
Thanks ladies! Now I'm drawing a blank on another Halloween themed story. I know there are several anthologies out there. I might have to do a post on that!
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