Brenda: I loved In The Forests of the Night, possibly even more than the first book in the series, which I didn't think would be possible. I have a few questions if you have time to let me pick your brain.
We have to talk about the continuation of the series. You didn't leave us with a huge cliffhanger, which I appreciate SO much, but obviously there's going to be amazing adventures ahead. Is the third one in the works yet? How many books would you love to see in the series?
Kersten: I’m glad it wasn’t too much of a cliffhanger. Each of the books has to have a little bit of a cliffhanger; like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, this is one story arc that spans multiple books. I do like to leave the story at a breathing place though—a place where something big has been resolved, and the reader can catch their breath before plunging straight back into the story. That helps me, too, because the story is very intense, so it takes a great deal of emotional energy to write. I would like to see a four book arc, but it may end up at three. If it does, the third book will be a bit longer than the first two.
Brenda: I love your use of poetry and songs. Authors sometimes do this and it falls a little flat or they go on too long, etc. I found myself waiting to see what you would use next, plus it made me realize that I hadn't read poetry in way too long. How did you decide what to use in the story?
Kersten:I choose my very favorite poems and songs—I am writing for kindred spirits, after all. If the words resonate with me I know others will love them as well. Usually they are very well known, like William Blake’s The Tyger. But a new song, Future of Forestry’s Set Your Sails, features large in book two, In the Forests of the Night. It fit the theme perfectly:
Brenda: Do you have favorite books from your childhood that inspired your imagination?
Kersten: I loved A Wrinkle in Time, The Borrowers, My Side of the Mountain, Where the Red Fern Grow, Owls in the Family, Over Sea Under Stone, Podkayne of Mars, The Star Beast, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, Ender’s Game (it came out when I was a little older), The Dragonriders of Pern, The Borribles (which also came out when I was a little older), The Three Musketeers, The Lord of the Rings trilogy … lol lots and lots and lots of books. I was inspired to write about goblins by George MacDonald’s book The Princess and the Goblin.
Brenda: If you could give one message or lesson to your readers through your books what would it be?
Kersten: That creation is deeply good, and the choices we make, even small choices, really do matter.
Thank you for having me on your blog today, Brenda!
In the Forests of the Night
By Kersten Hamilton
The Goblin Wars, Book Two
Available for Kindle and in Hardcover from Amazon
Kersten Hamilton's writing is vivid, descriptive, and captivating. Sometimes her words grab the reader into her world with a jerk- causing surprise, horror or disbelief. Other times her words bring about joy, whimsy or sadness because they convey what the characters are feeling so clearly that we experience their emotions right along with them. I loved In the Forests of the Night, and I cannot wait for the third book in this magical adventure. The hero and heroine, along with their friends and family, continue to learn, grow, fight and love in this second book in the series. If you enjoy Melissa Marr, J.R. Tolkien, The Narnia series or Terry Brooks you'll love Kersten Hamilton.
Find Kersten:
On Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17046.Kersten_Hamilton
Her Website: http://home.comcast.net/~kerstenhamilton/
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